Topics and Sessions
1. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior and Reproductive Health31
. Marriage, Family, Households and Unions20
. Children and Youth20
. Health and Mortality28
. Race, Ethnicity and Gender18
. Migration and Urbanization17
. Economy, Labor Force, Education and Inequality13
. Population, Development and Environment10
. Population and Aging10
. Data and Methods9
. Applied Demography4
. Other Topics12
. Poster Sessions7
3. Fertility Preferences, Outcomes and Trends in Africa
6. Sexuality and STIs
17. Low Fertility
22. Fertility Timing and Transitions
28. Biodemography of Human Fertility and Reproduction
31. Contraceptive Use in Asia
33. Methodological Challenges in Studies of Couples and Families
40. Fertility, Contraception and Reproductive Health in Latin America
48. Abortion Prevalence, Measurement and Programs
53. Interface between HIV and Family Planning Programs and Services in Africa
57. Contextual Influences on Fertility
66. Strategies for Achieving Reproductive Goals
69. Religion, Sexuality and Fertility
75. International Perspectives on Fertility
79. Biosocial Investigations of Fertility, Sexuality and Reproductive Health
91. Family Planning, Fertility and Reproductive Health in Asia
97. Mobility Decisions and Fertility Decisions
108. Unintended Pregnancies
112. Contraception
116. Environmental Exposures, Social Context and Reproductive Health
127. Social Demographic Aspects of Fertility in the Western World
131. Comparative Perspectives on Sexuality, Family Planning and Fertility
144. Abortion Decision-Making and Experience
145. Family Planning Programs and Contraceptive Use in Africa
154. Cross-National Patterns of Fertility
159. Multiple Country Perspectives on Reproductive Health
163. Social Demographic Aspects of Fertility in the Developing World
165. Explaining Fertility Patterns in International Contexts
179. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
183. Contraceptive Use Dynamics
187. The Role of Family Planning Programs in the Continuing Fertility Decline in Asia
7. Measurement and Estimates of Cohabitation
18. Historical Perspectives on Family and Household Change
36. Parents, Children and Sibling Linkages across Households
37. Marriage and Union Formation
62. Nonstandard Work Schedules
77. Families and Health
87. Generational Exchanges and Relationships: Adult Children and Elderly Parents
90. Global Changes in Marriage and Family
94. Multiple Contexts of Union Formation
102. Family Economic Relations
119. Cohabitation
124. Family Instability
129. Work and Family Issues
141. Family Change in Developing Countries
147. Work-Family Barriers to Gender Equality
153. Generational Exchanges and the Well-Being of Grandchildren
164. Intrahousehold Relationships in Non-Western Societies
167. Union Instability
178. Comparative Perspectives on Union Formation
180. Child Care and Work-Family Reconciliation
1. Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Relationships
13. Parental Work and Children’s Lives
19. Social Contexts and Child Health
23. The Transition to Adulthood in Developing Countries
39. Public Policy and Child Outcomes
42. Migration and Child Well-Being
71. International Perspectives on Family Structure and Children’s Education
72. Orphans, Adoption and Fostering
73. Transition to Adulthood
85. Immigrant Children and Educational Outcomes
95. Family Structure and Child Well-Being
99. Mexican Youth in Mexico and the U.S.
109. Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Reproductive Health
113. Cross-National Differences in the Influence of Context on Children's Well-Being
132. Education Policy and Child Outcomes
148. Criminal Justice System Issues for Children and Youth
149. Changes over Time in the Transition to Adulthood
162. The Context and History of Adolescent Sexual Behavior Trends
181. Causes and Consequences of Adolescent Behavior
189. Parental Involvement in Diverse Family Forms
9. Infant Mortality
11. Health Disparities among Immigrants
15. Life Expectancy
20. The Emergence of Health Trajectories in Childhood
25. Biodemographic Influences on Health and Mortality
29. Interrelationships of Migration and Health
45. Family Influences on Socioeconomic Differentials in Health and Mortality
52. Heterogeneity and Selection in Infant and Child Mortality
65. The Demography of Mental Health
81. Child Health and Survival
83. Community and Neighborhood Influences on Health and Mortality
86. International Perspectives on Health and Mortality
96. Racial and Ethnic Differentials in Health and Mortality
101. Disparities in Health and Place Relationships
111. Socioeconomic Differentials in Health and Mortality
126. Maternal Mortality in Asia
130. Methodological Issues in Health and Mortality
137. Biomarkers, BMI and Socioeconomic Differentials in Health
146. Socioeconomic Differentials in Health and Mortality: Methodological Contributions
150. Comparative Perspectives on Migration and Health
152. Biomarkers of Fertility, Early Life and Sexual Function
166. What Subjective Health Status Does and Doesn't Measure
168. Condom Use and HIV Risk
169. Comparative Mortality Experiences
177. Partner Selection and Sexual Networks
182. Analytical Innovation in the Place & Health Relationship
184. Reducing Maternal Mortality in Africa and Latin America
10. Empowerment, Agency and Gender Dynamics
16. Residential Segregation in a Multiethnic Society
24. Racial Discrimination
30. Socioeconomic Status, HIV/STIs and Safe Sexual Behavior
47. Gender, Labor Force and Earnings
64. Arabs Here and Abroad
68. Demography with a Gender Lens
84. Gender, Sexual Behavior and HIV/STIs
104. Gender, Power and Reproductive Behavior
115. Gender, Education and Labor Market Outcomes
117. Race and Ethnic Inequality
123. Measurement of Race and Ethnicity
133. The Consequences of Racial/Ethnic Residential Segregation
151. Race and Socioeconomic Status
158. Gender and HIV Risk in Understudied Populations
173. Gender and Intimate Partner Violence
175. Structural Influences on Race/Ethnic Identification
191. Cross-Cultural Analyses of Gender and Work
8. Migration and Neighborhood Effects
26. Data and Methods of Migration Analysis
54. Assimilation of Rural-To-Urban Migrants around the World
61. Impacts of Migrant Remittances on Origin
70. Immigrant Integration in Europe
80. The Consequences of Immigration for Receiving Countries
88. International Migration Systems
93. Assimilation and Social Mobility
103. Linking Internal and International Migration
122. Impact of Return Migration on Origin Areas
125. Research Design and Methodological Issues in Migration Studies
135. Determinants of Migration and Immigration
139. Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Change
156. Immigrant Generations
170. The Structuring of Internal Migration
176. Attitudes toward Immigrants and Future Impacts
190. Changing Patterns of Mexico-United States Migration and Return Migration
14. Social Programs and Economic Well-Being in Developing Countries
21. Social and Economic Well-Being
46. Crime and the Labor Market
50. Economic Crises, Natural Disasters and Population Well-Being
58. Access to and the Impact of College Education
63. The Dynamics of Social and Economic Well-Being
76. Demographic Aspects of Poverty
118. Military Service, Work and the Life Course
142. Educational Trends and Trajectories
143. Intergenerational Mobility
160. Residential Segregation and Labor Market Outcomes
174. Policy Impacts in Social and Economic Well-Being
188. Socioeconomic Status and College Education
2. What Population Research Can Contribute to the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals
4. Population, Health and Economic Development
34. Environment and Health
44. Economic Development and the Family
56. Author Meets Critics
82. Population and Environmental Change
105. Blending Macro and Micro Measures of Fertility Impacts on Economic Outcomes
114. Health and Demographic Issues in Emerging Markets: China and India
155. Anthropogenic Environmental Change
185. Household and Individual Behavior in Developing Countries: New Questions and Sources of Data
12. Life Course Perspectives on Aging
32. Social Factors and Mental Health in Late Life
41. Family and Aging
67. Aging and Intergenerational Relations in China
78. Economics of Aging and Retirement
106. Work and Family in Later Life
138. Public Health Implications of Health in Late Life
140. Aging in Developing Countries
161. Health in Later Life
192. Retirement Transitions
5. Innovative Approaches to Demographic Data Collection and Methods
38. The Future of Survey Research
49. Formal Demography
59. Improved Methods for Demographic Data Collection and Analysis
92. The Detroit Area Study and Its Contributions to Demography and Survey Research
98. Biomarkers in Demographic Research
128. Plans for the 2010 Census
134. Statistical Demography
171. Advances in Methods for Measuring Mortality
51. Subnational Estimates, Projections and Forecasts
60. Case Studies in Applied Demography
121. Impact of Demographic Change on Organizations
186. Using the ACS in Applied Demography
27. Spatial Demography
35. Demographic Perspectives on Religion
43. Genetic Influences and Demographic Behaviors
74. Demographers and the Press
89. Demography of Crime and Punishment
100. Population Studies and Experimental Design
107. Indigenous Peoples
110. Development Committee: Whither Demography and the PAA? A Panel and Town Hall Discussion
120. Historical Demography
136. Indigenous Peoples: Asia
157. Spatial Demography and Health
172. Early Life Conditions and Adult Health