Session 88:
International Migration Systems
Chair: Douglas S. Massey, Princeton University
Discussant: Ginny Garcia, University of Texas at San Antonio
Determinants of International Migration in Argentina: Differences between European and Latin American Flows Roxana Maurizio, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS)
Globalization, Development and International Migration: A Cross-National Analysis of Less-Developed Countries, 1970-2000 Matthew R. Sanderson, Lehigh University ; Jeffrey Kentor, University of Utah
China’s Demographic Transition and the Impacts on Migrant-Receiving Countries: Australia as an Example Fei Guo, Macquarie University ; Xiujian Peng, Monash University
The Transnational Families of Filipino Nurses in Ireland in the Midst of an Emerging Philippines-Ireland Migration System Florio O. Arguillas, Cornell University
Other sessions on Migration and Urbanization