Session 30:
Socioeconomic Status, HIV/STIs and Safe Sexual Behavior
Chair: Jeffrey B. Bingenheimer, Pennsylvania State University
Discussant: Taryn Dinkelman, Princeton University
Economic Inequality as an Underlying Cause of HIV in Africa? The HIV-Poverty Thesis Re-Examined Ashley M. Fox, Columbia University
HIV Risk Perceptions, School Participation and the Timing of Adolescent Sexual Debut in Southern Malawi Monica J. Grant, University of Pennsylvania
The Impact of Income Shocks on Sexual Behavior in the Commercial Sex Market: Evidence from Kenya’s Post-Election Violence Jonathan Robinson, University of California, Santa Cruz ; Pascaline Dupas, University of California, Los Angeles
Compensated for Life: Sex Work and Disease Risk in Ecuador Raj Arunachalam, University of Michigan ; Manisha Shah, University of Melbourne
Other sessions on Race, Ethnicity and Gender