Session 192:
Retirement Transitions
Chair: Mary Beth Ofstedal, University of Michigan
Discussant: David Weir, University of Michigan
Older Adults and Nonmetro Population Growth: Toward a Life Course Theory of Migration Nan E. Johnson, Michigan State University
Taking Different Paths: Diversity in Retirement Migration Patterns Benjamin C. Bolender, Kansas State University
The Gender Gap in Help Work: Does it Decline at Older Ages? Joan R. Kahn, University of Maryland ; Suzanne M. Bianchi, University of Maryland ; Brittany S. McGill, University of Maryland
The Third Way? Older Workers' and Younger Retirees' Time in Paid Work and Civic Engagement Phyllis Moen, University of Minnesota ; Sarah Flood, University of Minnesota ; Vincent Louis, University of Minnesota
Other sessions on Population and Aging