Poster Session 2
Socioeconomic Factors Differentiating Maternal and Child Health-Seeking Behavior in Rural Bangladesh Ruhul Amin, Johns Hopkins University ; Nirali M. Shah, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
The Effects of the AIDS Epidemic on the Elderly in a High-Prevalence Setting in Sub-Saharan Africa Philip A. Anglewicz, University of Pennsylvania ; Winford Masanjala, University of Malawi ; Peter C. Fleming, University of Pennsylvania
New Family Measures: An Examination of Direct Measures of Cohabitation and Parent Pointers Kelly Balistreri, Bowling Green State University
Inter-Religious Marriage and Migration Maggie Bohm, Mississippi State University ; Sang Lim Lee, Utah State University ; Michael B. Toney, Utah State University
Reproductive Consequences of China’s Great Famine, 1959-1961 Yong Cai, University of Utah ; Feng Wang, University of California, Irvine
Assortative Mating for Body Weight: New Evidence from Multilevel and Fixed Effects Models Julie H. Carmalt, Cornell University
Innovative Approaches to Demographic Data Collection and Methods Ruben Castro, University of Pennsylvania
Intergenerational Proximity: Life Course Aspects HwaJung Choi, University of Michigan
Pathway to Entrepreneurship for Recent Chinese Immigrants in the United States Miao David Chunyu, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
The Rising Costs of Medicare: Spatiotemporal, Age-Related and Respiratory Infection-Associated Trends in Medicare Expenditures in the Elderly Steven A. Cohen, Tufts University ; Elena Naumova, Tufts University
Changes in Values toward Individualism and Collectivism among Young Adults Casey E. Copen, University of Southern California ; Lynne M. Casper, University of Southern California
Selection Effects among Recent Cohorts of Cohabiting Women Kimberly A. Daniels, University of Texas at Austin
Meeting the Needs of Young People for Sexual and Reproductive Health Information in Ghana Eugene Darteh, University of Cape Coast ; Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme, University of Cape Coast ; Kofi Awusabo-Asare, University of Cape Coast
Opting Out: An Exploration of Labor Force Participation of New Mothers Jennifer Cheeseman Day, U.S. Census Bureau ; Barbara Downs, U.S. Census Bureau
Informed Choice and Choice of Family Planning Methods in Nigeria Adebayo O. Fadeyi, Lagos State University
Factors Influencing Improvement and Decline in Cognition in Elderly Canadians, in Relation to Mortality Nader Fallah, Dalhousie University ; Arnold B. Mitnitski, Dalhousie University ; Laura E. Middleton, Dalhousie University ; Kenneth Rockwood, Dalhousie University
The Effect of Stable Unions on Child Health, Nutrition and Development Alan B. Feranil, University of San Carlos
Residential Patterns among Religious Groups Eric Fong, University of Toronto ; Elic Chan, University of Toronto
The Preference Changes in Spouse Selection in Japan: New Evidence from Marriage Behaviors in 2002 and Onwards Setsuya Fukuda, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Incorporating Uncertainty in Poverty Dynamics: An Assessment of the Economic Impact of AIDS Mortality in the Presence of Measurement Error and Missing Data Alessandra Garbero, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Relative Affluence and Fertility: Reviewing the Easterlin’s Hypothesis via Subjective Survey Data from Eurobarometer Tommaso Gennari, Future Foundation ; Francesco Scalone, Lund University
HIV-Related Stigma and HIV Testing: A Cross-Country Comparison in Vietnam, Tanzania and Côte d’Ivoire Hani A. Guend, Université du Québec à Montréal
Childhood Physical Neglect and STI Risk in Young Adulthood Abigail A. Haydon, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Jon Hussey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Carolyn Tucker Halpern, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(Mis)Measuring Lone-Mother Families Misty Heggeness, University of Minnesota
The Relationships between Migration Status and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in China Peifeng Hu, University of California, Los Angeles ; William M. Mason, University of California, Los Angeles
Urbanization, Energy Consumption and Climate Change Leiwen Jiang, Population Action International
Smoking and Functional Health among Older Adults in Urban and Rural Beijing Toshiko Kaneda, Population Reference Bureau (PRB) ; Zachary Zimmer, University of Utah ; Zhe Tang, Beijing Municipal Network for Health & Care of the Elderly ; Xianghua Fang, Beijing Municipal Network for Health & Care of the Elderly
Proteomic Analysis of Seminal and Vaginal Fluid for Developing Improved Biomarkers in Contraceptive Research Andrzej Kulczycki, University of Alabama at Birmingham ; William E. Grizzle, University of Alabama at Birmingham ; Denise K. Oelschlager, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Fertility Transition in South Korea, 1960–2005: Tempo Effect and Demographic Translation Bongoh Kye, University of California, Los Angeles
Who's Minding the Kids in the Summer? Child Care Arrangements: Summer 2006 Lynda L. Laughlin, U.S. Census Bureau ; Joseph Rukus, Cornell University
The Influence of Parenting Practices and Behaviors in the Relationship between Social Disadvantage and Physical Inactivity Risk in the Transition to Young Adulthood Hedwig Lee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Estimation of Poverty Transition Matrices with Noisy Data Nayoung Lee, University of Southern California ; Geert Ridder, University of Southern California
Domestic Violence and Obesity in Egyptian Women Li Li, Emory University
Do Mexican Immigrant Men Work More? Examining the Difference in Work Time between Mexican Immigrant and Non-Hispanic White Men Ken-Hou Lin, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Longitudinal Impact of Specific Health Conditions on Functional Limitations of Older Americans Xian Liu, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) ; Charles Engel, Jr., Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) ; Han Kang, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
The Spatial Distribution of Intermarriage in Spain: A Test of Competing Hypotheses Antonio Lopez Gay, University of Minnesota ; Albert Esteve, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Religion and Bodyweight: Are There Variations by Affiliation? Philip B. Mason, Mississippi State University ; Xiaohe Xu, Mississippi State University
Validation of the Verbal Autopsy Questionnaire for Identifying Maternal Deaths in Pakistan Farid Midhet, University of California, Berkeley ; Nap Hosang, University of California, Berkeley
Beyond Race and SES: Understanding the Factors that Predict Arrests and Convictions Lindsay M. Monte, Northwestern University ; Dan A. Lewis, Northwestern University
Determinants of Contraceptive Discontinuation for Method-Related Reasons: Results from a Population Based Cohort of French Women Caroline Moreau, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) ; Nathalie Bajos, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) ; Jean Bouyer, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
The Effect of Immigrant Settlement among Asian Americans on Occupational Disparities in Management Hideki Morooka, Fayetteville State University
Behavioral Survey among Street Children in Greater Cairo and Alexandria Khaled Nada, Population Council ; ElDaw Suliman, Population Council ; Nadia Zibani, Population Council
Multilevel Heterogeneous Diffusion Model of First Partnership in Canada and the U.S. Jianlin Niu, Chinese Academy of Social Science ; Rajulton Fernando, University of Western Ontario
Legacy of Slavery Operationalizations and Differences in Black and White Poverty Rates Heather A. O'Connell, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Maternal Employment and Maternal Well-Being: Is "Welfare-to-Work" Good for Mothers? Aurea K. Osgood, Winona State University
Nativity and Health in the Russian Federation: Is There a healthy Migrant Effect? Cynthia Buckley, University of Texas at Austin
Transitions in Socioeconomic Status of Households in Egypt , 1998-2006: Evidence from Panel Survey Data Ali Rashed, Population Council ; Dina Armanious, Al-Azhar University, Cairo
Youth Employment and Behavior Problems: The Overprotected Adolescent? Emily Rauscher, New York University
The Earnings of Foreign-Born Men and Women in Israel Uzi Rebhun, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Impact of Population Policies, Non-Governmental Organizations and HIV/AIDS Policies on Fertility and HIV Prevalence in Sub-Saharan Africa Rachel S. Robinson, American University
Spatial Patterns and Local Variation of Socioeconomic Residential Segregation Trends in Mexico City Landy Sanchez, El Colegio de México
Trajectories of Multiple Work and Family Roles and Their Effects on Mortality Jessica M. Sautter, Duke University
The Systematic Organization and Validation of Scale Data in Research: The When and Where in the Multidisciplinary Use of What Martha Sayre, University of Michigan
Economic Inequality and Political Participation: Scale Matters Matthew Schroeder, University of Minnesota
Social Networks and the Health of the Older Population in India Mitali Sen, U.S. Census Bureau
Internal Displaced Population (IDPs) in Colombia: A Review of Characteristics and Profile Carolina Silva, El Colegio de México
Is the Mortality Advantage Associated with Marriage Changing over Time? Dejun Su, University of Texas-Pan American
Characteristics of the Future Older U.S. Population Grayson K. Vincent, U.S. Census Bureau ; Victoria A. Velkoff, U.S. Census Bureau
The Effect of Breastfeeding and Other Covariates on Infant Mortality in Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia Selamawit Welkema, AIDS Resource Center, Addis Ababa
Marital Change in Taiwan: Is Gender Inequality or Increasing Education Driving the Change? Marissa C. Wheeler, University of Pennsylvania
Home-Leaving among Young Adults: Family Structure and the Celtic Tiger Emily Wiemers, University of California, Los Angeles
Couple Concordance in Home-Based Voluntary Counseling and Testing for HIV in Malawi Marissa P. Yeakey, Population Reference Bureau (PRB) ; Effie Chipeta, University of Malawi ; Carie J. Muntifering, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health