Session 116:
Environmental Exposures, Social Context and Reproductive Health
Chair: Vinod Mishra, Macro International Inc.
Discussant: Siobán D. Harlow, University of Michigan
Racial Disparities in Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Women: The Role of Individual Characteristics, Sexual Behavior and Environmental Context Jami Leichliter, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC ; Anjani Chandra, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC ; Sevgi O. Aral, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
School Quality, the Spread of New Ideas and Transitions in Childbearing Behavior Sarah R. Brauner-Otto, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Contraceptive Behaviour, Capacity-Building and Environmentalism among Women in Self-Help Groups: Some Policy Concerns Niyati Joshi, Government of India ; C.P. Prakasam, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Symptoms of Reproductive Tract Infections and Mental Distress among Women in Low-Income Urban Neighborhoods of Beirut, Lebanon Marwan Khawaja, American University of Beirut ; Afamia Kaddour, Harvard University ; Huda Zurayk, American University of Beirut ; Faysal El-Kak, American University of Beirut
Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior and Reproductive Health