Poster Session 5
Intergenerational Transfers of Health and Health Behaviors: Evidence from Informal Parental Caregiving Fenaba Addo, Cornell University
Wanted and Unwanted Fertility and the Ghanaian Fertility Decline: A Research Note Samuel Agyei-Mensah, University of Ghana
Sleep Duration and Mortality Risk: Do Social Factors Moderate the Relationship? Jennifer A. Ailshire, University of Michigan
Estimating Adult Mortality Levels in Former Soviet Republics of Central Asia Kirill F. Andreev, United Nations
Recent Mexican Migration to U.S. Labor Markets: Cumulative Causation Dynamics at Metropolitan Destination James D. Bachmeier, University of California, Irvine ; Frank D. Bean, University of California, Irvine
Health Status and the Retirement Decision among the Early-Retirement-Age Population Shailesh R. Bhandari, U.S. Census Bureau
Mothers' Socioeconomic Characteristics and Child Behavior Luqman Bisiriyu, Obafemi Awolowo University ; Sulaimon Adedokun, Obafemi Awolowo University ; Ayotunde Titilayo, Obafemi Awolowo University
Do Places Matter? A Comparative Multilevel Analysis of Community Effects on Child Immunization in Sub-Saharan Africa Adébiyi Germain Boco, Université de Montréal ; Simona Bignami, Université de Montréal
Gender Differences in the Timing of Education Completion and Migration in Ghana Justin Buszin, Brown University and Population Services International (PSI)
Bayesian Probabilistic Projections of Mortality Jennifer L. Chunn, University of Washington ; Adrian Raftery, University of Washington
The Effects of Reproductive Factors on Weight Gain and Obesity across Age Cohorts in Metro Cebu, Philippines Marilyn V. Cinco, University of San Carlos ; Tita Lorna L. Perez, University of San Carlos
The Arguments for Marriage: The Effects of Marital Transitions on Self-Rated Health Sean Clouston, McGill University ; Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, McGill University
Beyond the Mexican Case: A Theoretical, Empirical and Policy Analysis of Central American Migration to the United States Jack DeWaard, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Keuntae Kim, University of Wisconsin at Madison
How long do you expect to live?: Subjective life expectancy in Chile Whitney Schott, University of Pennsylvania
Neighborhood Context, Children's Leisure Activities and Childhood Obesity Rachel E. Dwyer, Ohio State University ; Liana C. Sayer, Ohio State University
Younger Race Crossover in Mortality in the United States Felix Elwert, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Unintended Pregnancy in the American States Lawrence B. Finer, Guttmacher Institute
Direct and Indirect Pathways to the Long-Term Health, Mental Health and Work-Related Outcomes for Mothers of Children with Chronic Illness Dana Garbarski, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Whitney Witt, University of Wisconsin at Madison
A Disability Beneficiaries Life Table from the General Social Security Regime for Private Sector Workers (RGPS), by Disability Cause, Brazil, 1999-2002 Marilia Gomes, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR) ; Everton Lima, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR) ; Marcos Gonzaga, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR) ; Moema G.B. Figoli, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
A Comparative Analysis of Contraceptive Use and Intent in Guatemala Kathryn Grace, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Living Arrangements of Migrants' Left-Behind Children in China Lin Guo, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
HIV Sentinel Surveillance and Trends of HIV epidemic in India Arvind Pandey, National Institute of Medical Statistics (ICMR), India ; Mariamma Thomas, Institute for Research in Medical Statistics, ICMR ; Damodar Sahu, National Institute of Research in Medical Statistics (ICMR), India
A New Tool for Exploring the History of American Women's Fertility Outcomes and Behaviors: The Integrated Fertility Survey Series Lynette Hoelter, University of Michigan
To Marry or Not to Marry: Diverging Age of First Marriage among Southeast Asians in the U.S. Savet Hong, University of California, Berkeley
Dual-Earner Middle-Class Ecologies, Life Course "Fit" and Health: Super Couples or Couples Stretched Thin? Qinlei Huang, University of Minnesota
Marital Status and Life Satisfaction under Economic Hardships: The Case of South Korea since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis Sun-Jae Hwang, University of Michigan
HIV/AIDS Disclosure and Motherhood: A Critical but Neglected Agency Juliet Iwelunmor, Pennsylvania State University ; Collins Airhihenbuwa, Pennsylvania State University
A Reasoned Choice Approach: How Economic and Ideological Factors Interact to Shape the Timing of Marriage Yingchun Ji, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Growth and Changing Spatial Distribution of America’s Hispanic Children Kenneth M. Johnson, University of New Hampshire ; Daniel T. Lichter, Cornell University
Contraceptive Characteristics: Recent Perceptions and Priorities of Men and Women in Cameroon Samuel Kelodjoue, Université de Dschang ; Louise Moyo, Université de Dschang
HIV/STIs among Hispanic Adolescents and Young Adults: Variations by Ethnicity, Acculturation and Gender Sarah M. Kendig, University of Maryland ; Brittany S. McGill, University of Maryland
The Structure and Determinants of International Migration Flows: Harmonizing Inconsistency and Panel Data Analysis Keuntae Kim, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Jack DeWaard, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Sexual Orientation and HIV/AIDS Awareness of Thai Youth in the Cyber World Sirinan Kittisuksathit, Mahidol University
Intergenerational Communication and Sexual Activity within an Adolescent Peer Network Deladem Kusi-Appouh, Cornell University ; Eunice Rodriguez, Stanford University ; Jennifer Tiffany, Cornell University ; Josephine Allen, Cornell University ; Lindy Williams, Cornell University
Labor Migration and People Left Behind in China Yao Lu, Columbia University
Is Fertility Decline Stalling in Sub-Saharan Africa? Re-Examination of Fertility Trends Kazuyo Machiyama, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) ; Andy Sloggett, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Cohort and Age Effects in Racial Residential Segregation in U.S. Cities Christopher S. Marcum, University of California, Irvine ; Susan K. Brown, University of California, Irvine
Socioeconomic Inequality in Child Malnutrition in India: Searching for a SES Gradient Sumit Mazumdar, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Papiya Guha Mazumdar, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Religion, Aging and International Migration: Evidence from the Mexican Health and Aging Survey Margarita A. Mooney, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Effects of BRCA Gene Mutations on Female Fertility and Offspring Sex Ratio Roxana Moslehi, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY) ; Ranjana Singh, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY) ; Lawrence Lessner, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
Risky and Protective Places and Spaces: Sexual Engagement among Youth in Uganda and Malawi Netsayi Mudege, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) ; Chi-Chi Undie, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Integration or Status Quo?: Residential Patterns and Segregation by Race in Post-Apartheid South Africa, 2001 Sangeeta Parashar, Montclair State University
The Onset of Childbearing amongst Mexican Women: The Role of Education in the Regional Contexts Carla Pederzini, Universidad Iberoamericana ; Marta Mier-y-Teran, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Do (Naturalized) Immigrants Affect the Income of Natives? Evidence from German Micro Census Data Carsten Pohl, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Area-Level Effects and Household-Level Effects of Household Poverty in the Texas Borderland & Lower Mississippi Delta: Multilevel Analyses Dudley L. Poston, Jr., Texas A&M University ; Bruce Robertson, Texas A&M University ; Carlos Siordia, Texas A&M University ; Joachim Singelmann, Louisiana State University ; Tim Slack, Louisiana State University ; Kayla Fontenot, Louisiana State University
The Pursuit of Happiness? Accessing the Effects of Being Internal Migrants on Subjective Well-Being in China Yaqiang Qi, Renmin University of China ; Jingjun Qiu, Capital Medical University (CMU)
Coresidence with Parents and the Well-Being of Single Mothers in Japan James Raymo, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Yanfei Zhou, The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (JILPT)
Individual and Couple's Decision for HIV Testing in Nigeria Rebha Sabharwal, Arizona State University
Equal Distribution of Disease, Unequal Distribution of Cure: Using Biological Data to Highlight Health Services Inequities in Sub-Saharan Africa Jasbir K. Sangha, Macro International Inc.
Locational Attainment in U.S. Metropolitan Areas Melissa Scopilliti, University of Maryland ; John Iceland, Pennsylvania State University
The Characteristics of Employed Female Caregivers and Their Work Experience History Sheri Sharareh Craig, U.S. Census Bureau ; Alfred Gottschalck, U.S. Census Bureau
Black and White Disparities in Overall and Cause-Specific Infant Mortality in the U.S., 1983-2002 Seung-Eun Song, University of Texas at Austin ; Parker Frisbie, University of Texas at Austin
Local Population Composition and Romantic/Sexual Relationship Homophily Kate W. Strully, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
Transnational Ties of Latino and Asian Americans by Immigrant Generation Emi Tamaki, University of Washington
Major Depressive Disorder, Partner Relationships and Children's Behavior Kristin E. Turney, University of Pennsylvania
Bare Market: Campus Sex Ratios and Romantic Relationships Jeremy Uecker, University of Texas at Austin ; Mark Regnerus, University of Texas at Austin
Biomarker Classification, Risk Profiles and Mortality in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III Sarinnapha Vasunilashorn, University of Southern California ; Latrica E. Best, University of Southern California
Better to Have it All?: Employment, Motherhood and Women’s Psychological Well-Being Hyeyoung Woo, Wichita State University
"Homeward" Bound: Determinants of Return Migration among Germany's Elderly Immigrants Jenjira Yahirun, University of California, Los Angeles
The Role of Parent’s Education on Children’s Educational Attainment: Direct and Indirect Effects and the Role of Children’s Major Choice Anita H. Yuan, University of California, Los Angeles
Sex-Specific Inequality in Adult Life Span over Time: Have Male Ages at Death Always Been More Disperse? Sarah Zureick, University of California, Berkeley