Friday, May 1 / 2:30 PM - 4:20 PM   •   Nicolet A

Session 139:
Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Change

Chair: Elizabeth E. Bruch, University of Michigan
Discussant: Pat Sharkey, Harvard University

  1. Trends in Minority Suburbanization in American Metropolitan Areas, 1970 to 2000Jeffrey M. Timberlake, University of Cincinnati ; Aaron J. Howell, University of Cincinnati ; Amanda J. Staight, University of Cincinnati

  2. Race, Class and Residential Preferences for Urban NeighborhoodsMichael D. Bader, University of Michigan

  3. The Stability of Mixed-Income NeighborhoodsLaura M. Tach, Harvard University

  4. Distinguishing between the Effects of Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Change on Children's Well-BeingMargot I. Jackson, Brown University

Other sessions on Migration and Urbanization