Session 1:
Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Relationships
Chair: Jacinda K. Dariotis, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Discussant: Jennifer S. Barber, University of Michigan
Teen Perspectives on Healthy Romantic Relationships: Results from Focus Groups Lina Guzman, Child Trends ; Jennifer Manlove, Child Trends ; Erum N. Ikramullah, Child Trends
The Social Context of Adolescent Romantic Relationships: School and Neighborhood Influences on Adolescent Relationship Formation Lloyd D. Grieger, University of Michigan ; Yasamin Kusunoki, University of Michigan ; David Harding, University of Michigan
Changes in Condom Use within Adolescents' Relationships: Demographic and Relational Factors and Self-Reported Motivations for Change Christine M. Flanigan, Bowling Green State University ; Wendy D. Manning, Bowling Green State University ; Peggy C. Giordano, Bowling Green State University ; Monica A. Longmore, Bowling Green State University
Sustainability of Heterosexual Relationships among Adolescents and Young Adults: One-Year Observation of Bayview Hunter-Point Area in San Francisco, CA Michiyo Yamazaki, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine ; Jonathan Ellen, Johns Hopkins University
Other sessions on Children and Youth