Session 76:
Demographic Aspects of Poverty
Chair: Johanne Boisjoly, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Discussant: Timothy M. Smeeding, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Discussant: Maria Cancian, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Minimum Wages and the Poor: Evidence on the Target Efficiency of the Obama Proposal Joseph J. Sabia, American University ; Richard V. Burkhauser, Cornell University
A First Look at U.S. Children in Persistently-Poor Neighborhoods Mark S. Mather, Population Reference Bureau (PRB) ; Nadwa Mossaad, Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
An Evaluation of the Bolsa Familia Program in Brazil: Expenditures, Education and Labor Outcomes Ana Oliveira, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR) ; Julio C. Sousa, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)
Afterschool Child Care Subsidies and Maternal Employment Stability among Low-Income Populations Xiang Gao, University of Washington
Other sessions on Economy, Labor Force, Education and Inequality