Session 180:
Child Care and Work-Family Reconciliation
Chair: Martin O'Connell, U.S. Census Bureau
Discussant: Michelle J. Budig, University of Massachusetts
Childcare-Provision, Family Ideology and Fertility in Sweden Sandra Krapf, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
The Effect of Child Care Centre Openings on Child Care Arrangements and Maternal Labour Supply Chikako Yamauchi, Australian National University
What Is Behind the Delayed Marriage in Japan?: Do Women Postpone Marriage because They Are Traditional or because They Are Egalitarian? Sayaka Kawamura, Bowling Green State University
Because Care Matters: Care Capital and the Work/Family "Dilemma" Dennis Hogan, Brown University ; Mary Daly, Queen's University Belfast ; Lisbeth Trille G. Loft, Brown University
Other sessions on Marriage, Family, Households and Unions