The Characteristics of Employed Female Caregivers and Their Work Experience History
Sheri Sharareh Craig, U.S. Census Bureau
Alfred Gottschalck, U.S. Census Bureau
According to projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, females will make up nearly half of the work force by 2014, and they will make up 51 percent of the new additions to the labor force between 2004 and 2014. With this projected increase in female work force participation, caregiving will pose financial challenges for many female workers as a consequence of lost wages from reduced work hours, time out of the workforce, family leave, or early retirement. Using data from the Employment History topical module of the 2004 panel of the Survey of Income and Program Participation, we provide descriptive statistics for working females aged 25-62 years old who have interrupted their work career to provide care for a child, elderly family member, or disabled person. Lifetime work experience and earnings measures are examined in relation to demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.
Presented in Poster Session 5