A Disability Beneficiaries Life Table from the General Social Security Regime for Private Sector Workers (RGPS), by Disability Cause, Brazil, 1999-2002
Marilia Gomes, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)
Everton Lima, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)
Marcos Gonzaga, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)
Moema G.B. Figoli, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
The main goal of this paper is to estimate a Disability Beneficiaries Life Table from the General Social Security Regime for Private Sector Workers (RGPS), by sex, age and disability cause, in Brazil, using multiple-decrement models. The results show that – in contradiction with the disability life tables used by the private sector – the male disability retirement hazard, increases steadily until age 65 and after that it decreases. However, for females, these risks increase continuously up to the oldest age. More sex differential shows that, among the women, the risk of disability retirement is larger due to circulatory diseases, musculoskeletal diseases and neoplasms. Among the men, mental disorders are the most responsible for an overweight in the number of pensioners, especially among the young and adult age groups. This paper contributes to a better understanding of work and disability, especially in the field of social security and retirement.
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Presented in Poster Session 5