Informed Choice and Choice of Family Planning Methods in Nigeria
Adebayo O. Fadeyi, Lagos State University
This paper examines informed choice and choice of family planning methods in Nigeria. Informed choice increases the likelihood that women will avoid unintended pregnancies. Uninformed choice limits choice of family planning methods. The objective of this study is to determine factors influencing informed choice and choice of family planning methods. Data is derived from Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2003. Family planning providers rarely inform method users of potential side effects and therefore decrease discontinuations of temporary methods. Results show that forty-two percent are informed about potential side effects of their method, thirty-nine percent are told what to do if they experience any of the side effects, and forty-two percent are given information about other family planning method options. It is recommended that a wide range of methods be made available and information, education and counseling be stepped up to address challenges to informed choice of method used.
Presented in Poster Session 2