Did Hispanic In-Migration Lead to Non-Hispanic Displacement in Rural America?
William A. Kandel, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Emilio A. Parrado, University of Pennsylvania
Angel Bogushev, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
The recent dramatic dispersion of foreign-born Hispanic workers to new rural destinations coincides with considerable population redistribution of non-Hispanic whites and blacks. We contribute to scholarship on linkages between immigration and the socioeconomic position of other rural groups by assessing how redistribution trends among the three groups overlap or diverge. We use the 5% Public Use Microdata (PUMA) Sample of the U.S. Census 2000 to analyze internal migration for each group with information on place of residence five years prior. We then elaborate on the socioeconomic conditions of out and in-migrant groups in relation to population trends of other minority groups. Finally, we model residential location decisions by racial and ethnic group. Individual-level predictors include socioeconomic characteristics. The models also include as predictor a PUMA typology characterizing residence by demographic composition. We thereby assess impacts of Hispanic residence on non-Hispanic white and black geographic mobility and how such propensities vary with socioeconomic characteristics and location.
Presented in Session 103: Linking Internal and International Migration