Enhancing the Health, Social and Economic Capabilities of Highly Vulnerable Adolescents for Protection against HIV and Adverse SRH Outcomes
Kelly Hallman, Population Council
Eva Roca, Population Council
We present baseline findings from an intervention randomized to secondary classrooms in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. With school enrollment high here, this is an effective, replicable strategy to reach a representative group and reduce possible selection bias. The program is designed to increase capacities among vulnerable adolescents in poor HIV/AIDS-affected communities for building health, social and economic assets. Multivariate results show females who are saving are more likely to be aware of family planning methods and know that pregnancy can result from only a single sexual encounter. Males with savings are more likely to have had an HIV test and have greater chances of discussing avoiding/delaying sex with sexual partners. Females with more friends have fewer sexual partners; males with more friends are more confident in their ability to use condoms correctly. Belonging to an organization confers more confidence for both males and females in their ability to use condoms.
Presented in Session 4: Population, Health and Economic Development