Considerations for Householder-Based Estimation Processes Using the American Community Survey: A Case Study of the Nielsen TV Ratings
Jonathan D. Stringfield, Nielsen Media Research
Christine Pierce, Nielsen Media Research
This study is an evaluation of differentiations in householder identification between the Current Population Survey (CPS) and American Community Survey (ACS) with emphasis on impacts this has on householder-based estimation processes using the Nielsen television market section system as a case study. The objectives of this paper are threefold: (1) to provide background and a brief overview of standard demographic estimation processes in the Nielsen Media group and how substitution of sources from CPS to ACS produced unexpected results; (2) to explore differentiations of the sex distribution between the CPS and ACS, determine the source of this differentiation, and analyze how it relates to collection differences between the two surveys; and (3) to validate findings via comparisons to the Nielsen panels. Conclusions follow on how this differential can have an impact on householder-based information extracted from the ACS as well as suggestions to ameliorate these differences.
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Presented in Session 60: Case Studies in Applied Demography