The Impact of Alternative Food for Education Programs on Child Nutrition in Northern Uganda
Sarah Adelman, University of Maryland
Harold Alderman, World Bank Group
Daniel Gilligan, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Joseph Konde-Lule, Makerere University
We investigate the nutritional benefits of two FFE programs using a randomized field experiment conducted in Northern Uganda in 2005-07. We estimate the impacts on anthropometric status and anemia prevalence of an in-school feeding program (SFP) and a take-home rations (THR) program conditional on school attendance in a sample of 2100 primary-school-age children. We also examine program effects on intrahousehold resource allocation reflected in the anthropometric status of preschooler siblings. Results show no impact of either program on change in BMIZ or on anemia prevalence of 6-13 year old children on average. However, both programs reduced anemia prevalence (Hb<11.0 g/dL) of females age 10-13, by 17-19 percentage points. Preschool-age children in the SFP group had a significant 0.363 z-score improvement in HAZ compared to the control group, while no comparable effect was observed from THR. Results suggest that both intrahousehold redistribution and direct spillovers contributed to this impact on preschoolers.
See paper
Presented in Poster Session 4