Does Safe-Motherhood Programme Reach the Poor in Uttar Pradesh, India?
Sanjay Mohanty, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Praveen Kumar Pathak, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
This paper examines the trends and changes in medical assistance at delivery, a key strategy under the safe motherhood promotion programme, among poor and non-poor in the populous state of India, i.e. Uttar Pradesh, using data from three rounds of National Family Health Survey, 1992-2005. It further examines the relative role of public and private providers, social and economic correlates and reasons for non-use of natal care. Poor and non-poor are estimated for rural and urban areas using state-specific poverty line cut-offs. Preliminary results show that medical assistance at delivery has increased modestly during 1992-2005, largely from private healthcare providers, whereas, public health services has stagnated. The safe motherhood services largely benefit the non-poor clients. The majority of mothers not seeking medical assistance for delivery reportedly don’t perceive the need for medical-assisted delivery. Residence, prenatal care visits, age and parity of mother affects likelihood of skilled delivery.
See paper
Presented in Session 126: Maternal Mortality in Asia