South-South Cooperation for Strengthening Health Systems to Address HIV/AIDS Challenges in Africa
Shariful Islam, Partners in Population and Development (PPD)
HIV/AIDS epidemic remains a big challenge for Africa despite global efforts to reduce its impact. South-South Cooperation has increasingly been seen as an excellent instrument in the fight against HIV/AIDS. SSC can strengthen health systems through the launching of inter-country projects, training and fellowships, research and documentation. Regional Health Networks, exchanges of expertise, advocacy and policy dialogue, training and joint projects are carried out in many countries through SSC. A common voice is needed to push collaboration mechanisms aligned with needs of the African countries. Technical cooperation as well as the political will of stakeholders to promote Health Systems through SSC will reduce the burden of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Achievements and lessons from one country can eliminate the need of trial in another, reducing costs and enhancing efficiency. In a scenario where resources – whether financial or technical - are really scarce, such collaborative efforts can unlock potential resources.
Presented in Poster Session 4