A Pilot Study on Entertainment Center-Based STD/AIDS Educational Program among Migrant Young Adults in Eastern China
Xiaoming Sun, Nanjing College for Population Program Management (NCPPM)
Background: The STD/AIDS epidemic experienced a wide spread among migrant young adults in Eastern China. We implemented an entertainment center-based STD/AIDS educational program to improve migrant young adults’ STD/AIDS related KAP in Kunshan city. Method: 724 study participants aged 18-35 were recruited from the largest entertainment center of the city. A baseline survey, educational intervention and 18-month follow-up survey are applied to evaluate the effects of the program. Results: The baseline survey shows they are from 13 provinces of China and 75.8% are not married. The STD/AIDS knowledge is not well disseminated. They are sexually active with an open value towards premarital sex and multiple sexual partners. 58% have more than 2 sexual partners. Near 20% admitted they have had sex with casual partners. However, among them, only 35% always use condom during their sexual intercourse. Conclusions: The survey gives us rich information for further intervention on STD/AIDS prevention.
Presented in Poster Session 4