The Complex Living Arrangements of Children and Their Unmarried Parents
Rose M. Kreider, U.S. Census Bureau
Diana B. Elliott, U.S. Census Bureau
Most nationally representative data are unable to accurately reflect children living with two unmarried parents. In 2007 CPS began collecting information about two coresident parents, making this possible. We show children by age, detailing whether their unmarried parent lives with a second parent, another adult, or on their own, and comparing their health insurance coverage, food stamp receipt, and parent’s education with these measures for children with married parents. While most children with unmarried parent(s) live with mother only, 11 percent of children under age 1 live with two unmarried parents. A higher percentage of children age 12-17 live with a sole parent than children under age 1. At all ages, a higher percentage of black children live with a sole parent than other children. A higher percentage of children with married parents have health insurance, and live with a parent who has some college and owns their home.
See paper
Presented in Poster Session 7