Internal Migration and Maternal and Child Health Care Utilization: Trends in Bangladesh
Yoonjoung Choi, Johns Hopkins University
Courtland Robinson, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Despite strong urban advantages in health care utilization and child survival, intra-urban variation has been well documented, including rural-to-urban migrant disadvantages. With rapid urbanization in less developed countries, however, selection of rural-to-urban migrants and, thus, differential health outcomes among migrants, urban non-migrants and rural non-migrants are likely to have changed over time. The primary purposes of the study are: to assess trends in internal migration patterns; to identify changes in factors associated with rural-to-urban migration; and to investigate changes in associations between rural-to-urban migration and selected health care utilization. Data will come from four Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys conducted between 1993-1994 and 2003-2004. Study results will address changing characteristics of rural-to-urban migrants, and conclusions will provide recommendations for urban health programs in Bangladesh.
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Presented in Session 150: Comparative Perspectives on Migration and Health