Changing Racial Differences in College Attendance Patterns in the United States: A Multi-State Life Table Approach
Bongoh Kye, University of California, Los Angeles
I examine how racial difference in college attendance patterns in the United States changed by using a multi-state life table (MSLT) analysis. Racial disparity in educational attainments persists in the United States, contributing to racial inequality in income and occupational outcomes. Given the educational expansion, interest in racial disparity in opportunity and consequence of postsecondary schooling has been increasing. Nonetheless, racial difference in college attendance patterns, which would account for racial disparity in degree completion and occupational outcomes, has drawn little attention. Using the MSLT analysis and three longitudinal surveys, this study examines the prevalence of non-conventional enrollment (e.g., delayed enrollment, part-time enrollment and non-attendance), paying particular attention to changing racial differences. I expect that more prevalence of non-conventional attendance patterns among African Americans and recent cohorts because of (1) racial differences in family background and (2) increasing enrollment in 2-year college over time. Broader socioeconomic implications will be discussed.
Presented in Poster Session 7