Reproductive Morbidity among Currently Married Women in EAG States: Evidence from the Reproductive and Child Health survey 2002-2004
Santosh Gupta, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Rajiva Prasad, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Reproductive Morbidity is very high among currently married women in India. Some of the states having high fertility and mortality have been termed as EAG states. The Govt of India conducted a large scale Reproductive and Child Health survey (II) throughout the country in 2002-04.Using the above data our paper examines the influence of socio-economic and demographic factors on Reproductive morbidity and treatment seeking behaviour among currently married women aged 15-44 years in EAG States. The logistic regression indicates the net effects of various socio-economic and demographic variables on the likelihood of reproductive morbidity. The paper also finds the effect of various factors on treatment seeking behaviour for reproductive morbidity, using multinomial logistic regression, with no treatment, treatment from public medical sector and treatment from private medical sector as the multinomial response. Obstetric morbidity is high in Bihar while contraceptive and gynecological morbidity are high in Rajasthan and Orissa respectively.
Presented in Poster Session 3