Using the ACS to Enhance Population Segmentation for the Census 2010 Integrated Communications Program
Linda A. Jacobsen, Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
As part of the development of the Census 2010 communications program, the Census Bureau conducted cluster analysis with tract-level data from 2000. Eight distinct clusters were defined with unique demographic, socioeconomic and housing characteristics, as well as varying levels of mail return rates. This paper describes how data from the 2005 through 2007 American Community Survey (ACS) have been used to validate and augment this segmentation. Because the 2010 Census will be the first decennial to use a replacement form, we also use the 2006 and 2007 ACS to examine cluster differences in the propensity to mail back ACS forms before and after the replacement form mailing date. The paper discusses the implications and potential applications of these ACS analyses for Census 2010 communications efforts.
Presented in Session 186: Using the ACS in Applied Demography