Racial and Ethnic Differences in Significant Other’s Encouragement to Attend College on Educational Ambitions and College Attendance
Nikolas D. Pharris-Ciurej, University of Washington
This analysis used longitudinal data from the University of Washington Beyond High School Project to determine whether the level of significant others’ influence varies across eleven racial/ethnic groups and whether the effect of significant other’s influence on educational ambitions and college attendance varies across racial/ethnic groups. Also, variation in the consistency of significant other’s influence over time is examined in relationship to the educational ambitions and college attendance of students from different race/ethnic groups. Preliminary results indicate that the level of significant other’s influence varies across racial/ethnic groups, with Vietnamese and East Asian students generally receiving the highest levels of encouragement, while Native American students receive the lowest. Cambodian and Mexican students, after adjusting for social class, also receive high levels of encouragement to attend college from significant others.
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Presented in Session 151: Race and Socioeconomic Status