Trends in the Relative Distribution of Wages by Gender and Cohorts in Brazil, (1981-2005)
Ana Oliveira, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)
Raquel GuimarĂ£es, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)
The aim of our paper is to analyse and decompose changes in earnings relative distribution between men and women of different cohorts in Brazil, using the relative distribution framework. This methodology was proposed by Handcock and Morris (1999), considering non-parametrical tools which allow an exploratory analysis that is independent of parametric assumptions on the mathematical form of the response-variable probabilities. We use density estimates of the kernel probability for each sex and cohort and decompositions of the relative distribution to get substantive evidences for gender differentials and relative mobility in Brazil, from 1981 to 2005.
See paper
Presented in Session 191: Cross-Cultural Analyses of Gender and Work